No, really. Call it what you will, the French have changed the paradigm. About fucking time.
At least someone is. I keep hoping America will do something to fight the status quo but for a multitude of reasons, a good portion of Americans are content to sit swilling beer and griping about the current president, as if he is to blame for all our ills.
Yeah, I said it.
I have a problem with people. Not merely my social anxiety, I have a fundamental issue with people. At least, a lot of the ones I've met. I'm sick and tired of people being content with the problems of the world, accepting it as just how it is, not accepting that they have the power to change.
I know, I know, we have essentially been taught our vote doesn't matter that much. After all, we are just one person, right?
Yes, that is true. However, it is also true that most Americans are furious as to what's going on in our wallets, our government, our lack of jobs. We are getting pissed. So why the hell are we not doing anything about it?
My opinion? We don't know what to do. Occupy started something that's helped. Do I think that will be the end of it? No. Do I think that that is what will fundamentally change it? Read the article I posted yesterday about the woman evicted at 3 am at gunpoint. The cop in there didn't even believe that Corporations have a great deal of power in this country. Sure, he's in Georgia. That's no excuse ;)
We are all angry, and upset, and scared, and we feel powerless. Right? You walk through security at the airport and you're treated like some kind of sociopathic criminal who must be bringing a bomb on board. Yes, I understand we have had problems with terrorists. I won't go into that here, though, that's a whole 'nother ball of ranting.
We have been slowly taught, due to perhaps our parents, perhaps the mainstream media, perhaps public schools, that we are just one person. We can't make a difference. Even though every day we see the results of other people who finally got upset enough to say something, we just write it off as there's something special about them.
I think the one problem America might have is the laziness and fear. Not just laziness as in sitting in front of a couch and watching football. I mean the entire paradigm we have. People don't always vote. My dad doesn't, he doesn't see the point. With the electoral college, I kinda don't blame him, but still.. Until you say something, you're just one more person who has stood back and let it happen.
I for one am sick of letting it happen. I'm not out on the streets because I have a 4 month old I'm breastfeeding and cops have a bit too many frustrations they like taking out on peaceful protestors. But I will blog. I will talk. I will vent, I will vote. I will make my point clear.
France realized how ridiculous the "suck it up, it gets better" mentality we're being force-fed is. They stood up for themselves, and it's changing. They did something about it. So when are we? I can pretty much garauntee you that something else needs to happen than Occupy. Some other movement will spring up because of it, and then there will be two.
We need to do something. Otherwise it's just going to get worse.
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