So, I "liked" The White House on Facebook, primarily so I can keep track of what they're trying to say they are trying to do. Today when I logged on, I saw that there was a status asking what you would like to ask the President.
I replied to it. I asked what he planned to do about the homeless epidemic in our country. And seeing as the homeless population here has grown by 30% in the last 2 years, and the number of shelters has not, I'd say that's a serious problem.
I would like to know why our government is not doing anything about it. In fact, funding is dropping. Now, I don't think thats a bad thing all the time. I'd much rather they used the funding for beds, because it's far easier to donate food than shelter as an individual taxpayer. However, I do want to know what they plan to do about it. Not even just Obama. I want our government to stop being so utterly stupid. They make obscene amounts of money. The average American does NOT.
I'd also really like to know how it is that these people running our country haven't been able to come up with a very simple program. Now, I will be honest. I know next to nothing about our Government's spending when it comes to how they approve stuff. However I fail to grasp how these people, who are allegedly more intelligent than me, can't come up with something like the following that would work:
Take some funds from the DoD. We don't need more fancy airplanes, or fancy new guns. I'm sure things could be trimmed from that part of the budget if you just looked, so do it. This is my money you're playing with, money you take out of my taxes.
I'm not saying take a lot. But take some from that, and hell... Don't take a bonus this year. You already have obscene amounts of money as it is. You make a lot as well. Or make the people of Wall Street pay for what they did. Your call.
Anyway, take that nice bundle of money. Near metropolitan areas, pick some spots that will work for homeless transitional housing for a year. Hire only the homeless and unemployed to build it. Pay them decently, and then give them an apartment for their work.
Very simple. I'm sure there are flaws in my logic that can be pointed out, but intelligent people can figure things out if they truly want to.
When there are.. wasn't it 18 million vacant homes in America? And only what, 2-3 million homeless? (HAH, only.) What is your excuse? Really?
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